1. What type of personality assessments do you currently use? Select all that apply.(Required) DISC Assessments DISC+Plus Assessments ADVanced Insights 2. What is your primary purpose for using these assessments? Select one.(Required) Recruitment and Hiring Employee Development and Training Team Building Personal Growth Other If OTHER, what is your primary purpose for using assessments?3. How often do you administer these assessments? Select one.(Required) Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually As needed 4. What challenges do you face with your current assessment process? Select all that apply.(Required) Time-consuming to analyze results Difficulty in personalizing feedback Limited scalability Other If OTHER, what challenges do you face with assessments?5. How satisfied are you with the level of detail provided in your current assessment reports? Select one.(Required) Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 6. What benefits of AI integration would be most valuable to you? Rank in order of importance.(Required)Faster results and analysisDeeper insights into personality traitsPersonalized development recommendationsImproved team compatibility analysisVisualized reports and dashboards7. What AI features interest you the most? Select all that apply.(Required) Faster results and analysis Real-time feedback and summaries Personalized development recommendations Improved team compatibility analysis Visualized reports and dashboards 8. Do you currently use any AI tools in other aspects of your business?(Required) YES NO If YES, what AI tools do you use?9. What concerns do you have about integrating AI into personality assessments? Select all that apply.(Required) Data privacy and security Cost of implementation Loss of human touch in feedback Reliability and accuracy of AI predictions Other If OTHER, what are your concerns?10. How much customization would you need in an AI-powered personality assessment tool? Select one.(Required) Highly customized Moderately customized Minimal customization needed 12. Do you have any additional comments or concerns about using AI in context to assessments?11. What specific features or improvements would you like to see in an AI-enhanced personality assessment tool? 64788