About DISC Plus

Behavioral Assessments | DISC Assessments | Values Assessments | Education and Training

DISC assessment training

Behavioral Assessment History

Modern Personality assessments have been used since 1940 when the US military began to expedite their selection and job assignment program. Today, over 80% of the Fortune 500 companies use assessments for everything from pre-hire screening, post-hire onboarding, coaching & development, team building and talent acquisition.

For the majority of their history, all of these profiles were completed by hand with pencil and paper. As a result, publishers of profiles physically printed and shipped profiles. In this old model it made perfect sense to charge per report, just like any other “publisher” of a book or magazine. Fast forward to today…

The Birth of Digital Assessments

…behavioral profiles have now moved from paper to being 100% digital. They are completed and delivered all online.

BUT, if everything is 100% digital now, why do publishing companies continue to charge per report? Our cost of goods sold was dramatically reduced when we stripped away the expensive materials, labor, shipping, etc. Yet the one thing that hasn’t change has been the practice of charging per report…until now.

One Low Flat Monthly Rate

We’ve made it our mission to revolutionize our very own industry, disrupt legacy pricing models and create the most fair and beneficial price structure by introducing unlimited flat-rate pricing.

Why? With the old, and unfair, price-per-report model, organizations were forced to limit their use of assessments. It became cost prohibitive to assess every employee or candidate for a job. This constraint significantly reduced the benefit that these profiles bring to the corporation, their employees and even their clients.

Unlimited Behavioral Assessments

By creating unlimited monthly access to our assessment platform, clients are free to expand the benefit of the assessments – completely unrestrained by cost or quantity concerns – resulting in their ability to drastically increase the benefit they receive.

If you’re already benefiting from DISC or other behavioral assessments in your organization, but paying per-report, imagine never having to worry again about sticking to a budget and missing out on the maximal value you desire.

For one flat and predictable monthly rate, we want you to feel comfortable giving them to hundreds (or tens of thousands) of job applicants and employees in any facet of your business you want, at no extra cost.

Our full spectrum assessments uncover the How, the Why, and the What of human potential. Knowing this creates an environment that allows your employee’s natural talents to shine, thrive and grow.