How Pricing Works

DISC Assessment Pricing | How Much Does DISC Cost?

How To Purchase DISC Assessments

DISC Plus Profiles offers businesses the opportunity to purchase unlimited DISC assessments for one low flat monthly rate.

Based on the size and employee count of your company, You can now present every person with an assessment without fear of running over budget.

Every C-suite, every specialist, and every employee is able to be tested since you’re now paying a lower rate and not an over-inflated fee from companies that only sell per-report.

DISC Assessment Cost

We’re transforming the way businesses access assessment reports. Our unique pricing strategy is crafted to ensure you receive maximum value without the stress of per-report costs. Here’s how our straightforward and transparent pricing model works, making sure you never overpay and always have access to the assessments you need for your organization, business, or team.

Step 1: Connect With An Assessment Specialist

Let’s begin by connecting with one of our Assessment Specialists. Their role is to understand your specific needs and guide you towards the most suitable assessments at the most reasonable price. Think of them as your personal guide in the world of assessments.

Step 2: Just A Few Simple Details

We’ll start by gathering essential information about your company. This includes your contact information, type of assessments, the size of your employee base, and your estimated monthly usage of assessments. This step ensures that our solution is tailored to your company’s unique needs.

Step 3: We’ll Email You a Price!

Based on the information gathered, we’ll recommend the right assessments at the right price from our suite of six distinct behavioral assessments. We guarantee that the assessment price and choice aligns perfectly with your organizations needs.


Why Choose DISC Plus Profiles?

The beauty of our model lies in its simplicity and efficiency. Much like enjoying unlimited movies on Netflix for a fixed monthly fee, why should you be restricted on quantity by per-report fees in the digital age? Our Software as a Service (SaaS) model breaks traditional barriers, offering unlimited reports for one low, predictable monthly rate.

Buy DISC Assessments

At DISC Plus, we believe in delivering not just assessments, but solutions that are aligned with your organizational needs and budget. Our pricing model is designed to be as dynamic and diverse as the businesses we serve. Get in touch with us today, and let’s start tailoring an assessment strategy that propels your team towards success.

DISC Plus Assessments