by Team DISC Plus | Nov 4, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Today’s news is full of things for business owners to worry about: inflation, rising interest rates, recession fears, supply chain issues, staying current with ever-changing technology, getting and keeping customers, keeping up with the competition, the disruption...
by Team DISC Plus | Nov 4, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Which do you experience as you drift off to sleep? The dream of a cohesive team that gets along famously, communicates well, and achieves every strategic initiative set before them in a harmonious way like a symphony orchestra. Or The nightmare of a disjointed group...
by Team DISC Plus | Nov 4, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Interpreting the results of a DISC profile is pretty straightforward. However, there are a couple of instances that require a deeper look and some additional questions of the test-taker. Some patterns created by the score should have you putting on your Sherlock...
by Team DISC Plus | Nov 4, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
The instructions provided with a DISC assessment ask you to rank order 4 items without thinking too hard about your replies. This is how the most accurate results are achieved. If the person taking the assessment instead overthinks and tries to assign different...
by Team DISC Plus | Nov 4, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
The DISC personality assessment is most accurate when the individual answering the questions does so by going with their gut. On average it takes people about 8-10 minutes. If someone overthinks their answers or attempts to manipulate their results, an effective DISC...