Adapting a Natural High I or Low I

How DISC Finds The Real You

We’ve all heard how a DISC assessment can help identify our natural behavioral preferences. A valid DISC assessment provides a measure of how we act in an environment where we feel free to be our authentic selves. But did you know that a more comprehensive DISC...
Adapting a Natural High I or Low I

Meet High S/C Scout

The 4 DISC behavioral styles are Decisive, Interactive, Stabilizing, and Cautious. Did you know that many people have high scores in 2 areas? When they do we can make some assumptions about their typical behavioral preferences. Today, we’ll meet Stable Conscientious...
Adapting a Natural High I or Low I

Meet High S/I Sidney

DISC behavioral styles often travel in pairs. Here we’ll examine what happens with someone with a higher S (Stabilizing) also has a higher I (Interactive). Let’s meet Sidney. Sidney resides squarely at the top of both the S and the I columns. You can see their most...