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Workplace conflicts are inevitable. No two people are going to agree on everything, and when you add different personalities into the mix, conflict is practically guaranteed. When these disputes arise, it’s important that they be resolved in a productive and healthy manner. This can be difficult, however, if you don’t have the right tools at your disposal. That’s where DISC assessments come in.
What are DISC assessments and what do they measure?
DISC assessments are a widely used behavioral index that HR professionals use to better understand the different personalities and preferences of employees.
It involves taking an individual personality test that measures how an individual reacts in four different areas: Decisive, Interactive, Stabilizing, and Cautious. Once an individual’s personality has been assessed, HR professionals can use this information to create a plan for resolving conflicts.
- When negotiating with someone who is a high (D) Decisive, be quick but make it clear. Be direct and ask them what they want instead of how you can help or do something for them. This person wants results quickly without wasting time.
- When negotiating with a high (I) Interactive, it’s important to create an environment where the other person feels welcomed and appreciated. You should give them opportunity to express their thoughts as well as ways to turn thoughts into action. As a bonus, social events will always keep your high Interactive happy!
- The high (S) Stabilizing negotiating strategy is all about making the other person feel valued and appreciated. This can be achieved through a number of techniques, including expressing interest in them as an individual while providing clarity for tasks or answers to “how” questions; presenting ideas non-threateningly so that there’s no harm done if they don’t approve—in fact this will probably increase your chances on getting what you want!
- When negotiating with a high (C) Cautious, it’s important to prepare in advance and present your case clearly. You should establish what the facts are about each of your ideas before presenting them so that you can have an effective discussion with this type of person who tends towards being more factual than persuasive or emotional – they want information, not opinions! Be patient while waiting for responses from others on their end; don’t be afraid if there’s hesitation at first because sometimes a high (C) will take time to decide how they feel about something before responding, which may lead to short delays during conversations.
Why are DISC assessments important for conflict resolution?
HR professionals can better mediate disputes and help employees resolve them in a more productive manner. With a growing multi-generational workforce this is especially important to find commonalities amongst workers.
Additionally, DISC assessments can help HR professionals identify potential areas of conflict before they arise. By being proactive and identifying potential conflicts, HR professionals can help prevent them from happening in the first place.
Conflict is practically guaranteed in any workplace. When two or more people are working together, there will inevitably be disagreements and clashes. The best way to deal with these conflicts is to resolve them in a productive and healthy manner. If you’re struggling to resolve a conflict at work, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. There are plenty of resources available to you, and it’s important that you take advantage of them so that your workplace can run smoothly.