Buying Styles: Boosting Sales with DISC

Buying Styles: Boosting Sales with DISC

Unique Buying Preferences Selling is like dancing. The better you know your partner the better your odds of not stumbling around the dance floor and stepping on each others’ toes. How can you ensure your success during the transaction? Knowing the steps your dance...
Real Estate Teams: Your First New Hire

Real Estate Teams: Your First New Hire

Real Estate Team Building Guide: Step 1 Is it time for you to expand your business and take on that new hire? We’re looking at you, superstar Real Estate Agent! To help you make that decision, let’s look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of a super successful real...
Benchmarked DISC Assessments for Real Estate Teams

Benchmarked DISC Assessments for Real Estate Teams

Real Estate Teams How many times have you seen a hungry prospect come through your door but leave without purchasing a property? Too many to count, huh? …OUCH. If you want to increase your agency’s closing percentage, it’s time to build a team with a blend of human...
Developing And Maintaining A Thriving Company Culture

Developing And Maintaining A Thriving Company Culture

Is Your Company Culture Thriving? Every organization worth its salt knows the value of purposefully stating its company culture. A strong culture leads to engaged employees who are proud of their contributions to the greater good of the company. Here are a few of the...
Your Multi-generational Workforce in 2024

Your Multi-generational Workforce in 2024

Multi-Generational Teamwork Did you know your business could potentially employ 5 generations? People are retiring later and many younger folks are forgoing a college education and jumping into the workforce at an earlier age. Here’s a snapshot of your potential...
How To Keep Your Organization Healthy in 2024

How To Keep Your Organization Healthy in 2024

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics notes that 20% of all new US businesses fail in their first 2 years. 45% of them fail within 5 years, and 65% during their first 10 years. That means that of the 843,320 new businesses that started in 2021, about 168,664 have or will...