by Team DISC Plus | Oct 11, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Can you get to the heart of someone’s personality in just 4 words? You might not be able to but a DISC assessment can sure help! DISC is an acronym that describes a behavior model created by psychologist Dr. William Marston from Harvard. He studied how individuals...
by Team DISC Plus | Oct 6, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Thinking about using DISC personality assessments inside your workplace, but don’t believe your company is big enough? How big does a company have to be to use DISC? Answer the following question and you’ll have your answer: Do you employ humans? Everyone can benefit...
by Team DISC Plus | Oct 6, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Are DISC Profiles Valid? 2 Proof Points The validity and reliability of personality assessments have been in the news recently. If you are looking to choose a behavioral or personality assessment to use in your business, we’ve got some ideas on how you can ensure...
by Team DISC Plus | Oct 6, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Have you ever wondered why sometimes when you meet someone new you just seem to ‘click’ and it’s like you’ve known each other all of your lives, but with others you struggle to feel even the tiniest bit of connection? You might spend painful minutes bringing up topic...