by Team DISC Plus | Oct 13, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
The DISC behavioral assessment provides a simple classification of the way people generally prefer to behave. Here’s how the acronym breaks down: Decisive, Interactive, Stabilizing, and Cautious. In this post we’ll concentrate on how those who have a preference for...
by Team DISC Plus | Oct 13, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Did you know there are great qualities on the high AND low side of the scoring on the DISC personality assessment? Because we’ve all been conditioned that the higher the score the better we must be at something, it’s natural for people to believe that the only good...
by Team DISC Plus | Oct 13, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Spend any amount of time in a room full of people and you experience many personality types. If you know the 4 basic behavioral types outlined by the DISC assessment, you can have an easier time navigating that room. DISC stands for individuals who have a preference...
by Team DISC Plus | Oct 13, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
Why do we call them Interactive Ira? You may have heard the I in DISC described with another word. Some DISC reports use different terminology to describe each column. You may have heard these terms used: Dominant, Influencing, Submissive, Compliant. That was the...
by Team DISC Plus | Oct 13, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
When looking at the averages of how people score on the DISC behavioral assessment, about 27% of the global population possess a higher I. We call those people Interactive Ira’s. Here are some tips when communicating with a higher I and also what to keep in mind if an...
by Team DISC Plus | Oct 12, 2023 | DISC Assessment, DISC University
When talking about the DISC personality assessment and where we all land on the graph, we have a tendency to focus only on what the higher scores mean. We think only the high scores have significant effects on the way we act. Did you know that the lower side of the...